Fixing the digital divide - for good

Good Things Foundation is the UK’s leading digital inclusion charity. We’re on a mission to help everyone become digitally equal, able and safe, so that they can be happier, healthier and better off.

We power community-based services to fix the digital divide

Our digital inclusion services, which help people use and access the internet and technology, are delivered by organisations in communities nationwide. These organisations are part of the National Digital Inclusion Network, and are at the heart of everything we do.

National Digital Inclusion Network

Thousands of local places for people get help with digital.

National Databank

Free mobile SIM cards preloaded with data.

National Device Bank

Free refurbished devices like phones, tablets and laptops.

Learn My Way

Free essential digital skills learning for complete beginners.

Learn about our digital inclusion services

We build partnerships with purpose

Our partners innovate with us to strategically and practically fix the digital divide.

We’re bold and ambitious, always looking to collaborate with private and public sector organisations at a national, regional and local level.

Let's work together
Two women holding signs that say Let's Fix The Digital Divide - For Good.