Crossing the Digital Divide: Robel's story


Fleeing civil war and homeless, Robel found a lifeline in digital support, helping him find shelter and integrate into British society.

Fleeing civil war and seeking shelter

Robel is an asylum seeker who arrived in the UK after fleeing civil war in Eritrea. Upon arrival, however, he became homeless and struggled to navigate around his new country.

He spent a lot of time trying to find accommodation to pull him out of his predicament. Being homeless was tough and dangerous - he faced many people behaving disorderly, pushing and hurting him, trying to steal from him. Not knowing English made this ordeal even more difficult.

Because he lacked access to a device and internet, which he couldn’t afford, it took longer to find somewhere to live. As a result of being digitally excluded, he also struggled to look for and apply for jobs to lift him from his situation.


Finding a lifeline in digital support

Coming upon Tech Together and Assisted Homes was a lifeline to Robel. Thanks to their support, he found shelter and received a laptop from the National Device Bank. Having this foundation of stability has helped him to better develop his English proficiency, look for a job, and study further.

“Having this laptop is huge for me. I couldn’t get it for myself as it’s really expensive and I’m a refugee, and I was just homeless for a few months. It’s a really big moment for me… In giving me this laptop, this support, they’ve given me motivation and a strong base to build on for the next steps in my life."

Hope for the future

Now, Robel can stay in contact with his family and friends, look for and apply to jobs, and do assignments for college. 

“My dreams now are to finish school, become a good English speaker and integrate, which this laptop is helping me to do. I want to work and give back to the community. I’m grateful and I'm ready."

Get help to get online

Do you feel like technology is moving too fast? We're here to help you keep up with the changes. If you or someone you know need help getting online, accessing or using the internet, or improving your skills, we're here for you. 

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