Digital inclusion research and policy asks

We know what works for digital inclusion, and we research what we don’t. Through partnerships with experts and our own research, we uncover the barriers and impact of digital exclusion. This informs our strategy and efforts to engage policymakers to fix the digital divide.

Our policy asks to fix the digital divide

To tackle digital exclusion and boost digital inclusion, we’re asking the UK Government to take these five critical actions:

  • Lead a cross-sector digital inclusion action plan by December
  • Remove significant barriers to digital inclusion and skills to help people into work
  • Commit to making old Government devices available to families and adults who need them
  • Co-invest in the National Digital Inclusion Network to provide community-based digital inclusion support
  • Co-create a solution for the 1 million+ households in deep data poverty

What Works? Co-Lab

What Works? Co-Lab is a new initiative, powered by our strategic partners, to push forward on using collaboration, evidence, and innovation to share best practice, and aim for systemic change through sharing what works and what could work to fix the digital divide - for good.

Digital inclusion research & evidence

Our research underpins our policy asks. We act based on what we know and we always learn from what we do. We also think that sharing and collaborating is the best way to move things forward and turn the dial on digital inclusion.

Research archive

We’ve been hard at work for over 18 years, building an extensive bank of high-quality, robust research and evidence on tackling the UK digital divide. Take a look at our library of archived research.