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  • 24/03/2025

    Understanding Digital Exclusion in the West of England

    Good Things Foundation, Cosmic, Better Places, and University of Liverpool used a combination of research and stakeholder engagement to produce a snapshot of issues, provision, and opportunities to improve digital inclusion in the West of England.

  • 05/03/2025

    Digital Futures for Good - Final report

    The Digital Futures for Good report explores key themes from our flagship conversation series on digital inclusion. It examines the barriers to getting online, the role of leadership, digital skills, affordable access, inclusive digital services, and community support. Discover insights from experts, policymakers, and people with lived experience.

  • 11/02/2025

    What is the Minimum Digital Living Standard?

    What do people need to feel digitally included? Watch the new animation launched for Safer Internet Day 2025.

  • 23/01/2025

    Basic Digital Skills: Expert Overview - August 2024

    In August 2024, Good Things Foundation brought together around 100 experts and practitioners from a range of sectors for a series of roundtable discussions to help to form ideas to drive action on digital inclusion. This paper summarises the expert overview provided to participants ahead of the roundtable so that they had an understanding of key insights and practice from the UK and elsewhere. Specifically this paper focuses on how essential digital skills can be delivered to grow the economy, and ensure opportunities for all citizens.

  • 23/01/2025

    Digital Services: Expert Overview - August 2024

    In August 2024, Good Things Foundation brought together around 100 experts and practitioners from a range of sectors for a series of roundtable discussions to help to form ideas to drive action on digital inclusion. This paper summarises the expert overview provided to participants ahead of the roundtable so that they had an understanding of key insights and practice from the UK and elsewhere. Specifically this paper focuses on national and local government services, NHS and other public sector services, commercial financial services, as well as central government services.

  • 23/01/2025

    Confidence and Engagement: Expert Overview - August 2024

    In August 2024, Good Things Foundation brought together around 100 experts and practitioners from a range of sectors for a series of roundtable discussions to help to form ideas to drive action on digital inclusion. This paper summarises the expert overview provided to participants ahead of the roundtable so that they had an understanding of key insights and practice from the UK and elsewhere. Specifically this paper focuses on confidence and engagement.

  • 23/01/2025

    Access: Expert Overview - August 2024

    In August 2024, Good Things Foundation brought together around 100 experts and practitioners from a range of sectors for a series of roundtable discussions to help to form ideas to drive action on digital inclusion. This paper summarises the expert overview provided to participants ahead of the roundtable so that they had an understanding of key insights and practice from the UK and elsewhere. Specifically this paper focuses on citizens’ access barriers to using the internet to benefit their lives.

  • 09/12/2024

    Exploring the relationship between deep poverty and digital exclusion

    Trussell Trust and Good Things Foundation commissioned WPI Economics to review the evidence base on the links between digital exclusion and deep poverty in the UK.

  • 25/11/2024

    Supporting people with data connectivity (Broadband and mobile data)

    This guide is for charities, community groups and organisations which reach and support people who are struggling to afford the internet because of poverty and the cost of living.

  • 21/11/2024

    Power Up 2.0 Impactful digital inclusion: People, provision, and place

    Our report celebrates the success of a model that supports digital inclusion alongside employability and financial inclusion, ensuring sustained delivery beyond the life of the project.

  • 23/10/2024

    Developing AI Literacy With People Who Have Low Or No Digital Skills

    Artificial intelligence offers a unique chance to level the playing field for those digitally excluded, but also risks deepening the digital divide. Our report explores how we can support 8.5 million UK adults lacking basic digital skills to safely engage with AI. Download the report or continue reading here.

  • 18/09/2024

    Digital inclusion: What the main UK datasets tell us

    This comprehensive read offers an overview of the main UK datasets on digital inclusion. It is a collaboration by Good Things Foundation, Lloyds Banking Group, Nominet, and University of Liverpool.

  • 30/07/2024

    Mitigating risks of digital exclusion in health systems

    This guide aims to help policy makers, commissioners and service providers to support discussions about digital inclusion in primary and secondary care.

  • 26/07/2024

    Local authorities’ experiences of working with partners in primary care to promote digital inclusion for health

    This report was conducted in partnership with NHS England’s Primary Care and Community Transformation and Improvement team and the Local Government Association (LGA) Digital Inclusion Network, on behalf of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Health and Wellbeing Alliance.

  • 22/07/2024

    Digital inclusion and online safety for adults

    Online safety is central to what being ‘digitally included’ means. It is especially important for people who are new or limited users of the internet and those in vulnerable situations. Read the report.

  • 22/07/2024

    The public sector pioneers reusing it equipment to fix the digital divide

    Interviews with nearly 30 public sector leaders revealed growing interest in reusing devices to help fix the digital divide. Read our report.

  • 19/07/2024

    The Digital Skills Pathway for Shared Prosperity

    With funding from the UK Government's Community Renewal Fund, we piloted our Digital Skills Pathway approach - addressing inequalities through partnership working and enabling local communities to thrive in the online world.

  • 10/07/2024

    Health inequalities & digital exclusion: supporting the Health Foundation's Covid-19 impact inquiry

    This paper provides an overview of digital exclusion’s relationship to health, social and economic aspects of people’s lives, conducted one year after the first Covid-19 lockdown.

  • 05/07/2024

    Scaling solutions to data poverty in the UK

    Data Poverty Lab Fellow Kat Dixon explores what data poverty is, how it manifests in people's daily lives, current solutions available & how we can collectively scale these solutions.

  • 02/07/2024

    Motivational barriers preventing people from using the internet

    This research, conducted in partnership with Prof. Simeon Yates (University of Liverpool) and BT, reveals the specific reasons people say they are unmotivated or unwilling to engage with the internet or digital technologies.

  • 02/07/2024

    Solving digital exclusion in a cost of living crisis: our House of Lords submission

    Read our submission to the House of Lords’ inquiry into digital exclusion and the cost of living, proposing policy recommendations to remove the barriers to digital inclusion for people and society’s economic growth.

  • 02/07/2024

    Circular electronics for social good

    This report highlights enablers, barriers, and opportunities to reuse IT equipment for social good, creating an opportunity for businesses to tackle two challenges in tandem: the digital divide and the linear economy.

  • 02/07/2024

    The economic impact of digital inclusion in the UK

    Investment in improving basic digital skills will lead to significant benefits for the UK economy. Our report, supported by Capita and commissioned by economists Cebr, sets out the costs and benefits to investing in digital inclusion.

  • 02/07/2024

    Digital inclusion in England's libraries

    We collaborated with Libraries Connected to research libraries’ role in digital inclusion. Here are the key findings and recommendations for action.

  • 02/07/2024

    Improving digital skills for employability

    From 2018-2019 we undertook intensive research to understand the digital skills landscape, and support people facing significant disadvantages to overcome barriers and learn digital skills to boost employability.

  • 02/07/2024

    Digital Inclusion in Health and Care

    We collaborated with NHSX, NHS Digital, NHS England and local partners in health, social care, and community sectors to improve digital participation in health and care.

  • 02/07/2024

    An evaluation of the Widening Digital Participation in Health programme

    This evaluation report examines the huge crossover between those who are digitally excluded and those who are at risk of poor health.

  • 02/07/2024

    An evaluation of the Future Digital Inclusion programme

    The Future Digital Inclusion (FDI) programme was funded by the Department for Education from 2014-2019 to support more than 1 million people to learn basic digital skills.

  • 02/07/2024

    Internet Access: Essential Utility or Human Right?

    Data Poverty Lab Fellow, Shade Nathaniel-Ayodele, argues that we need to reframe internet access as an essential utility and a human right. Read the report.

  • 25/04/2024

    Our Digital Nation

    What is the state of the UK's digital divide? Each year, Good Things Foundation gathers new facts and stats to reveal the reality of digital exclusion.

  • 17/03/2024

    The Minimum Digital Living Standard for Households with Children

    A collaborate research project with University of Liverpool, funded by Nuffield Health, revealed the Minimum Digital Living Standard that people need to participate in our modern world. Read the report.

  • 12/04/2023

    Data Poverty Lab report: addressing data poverty for care-experienced young people

    Written by Data Poverty Lab Fellows, Dr Becky Parry and Charlotte Elliott, this report explores how data poverty impacts care-experienced young people - and how it puts them at risk of missing out on creative opportunities.

  • 04/03/2022

    An evaluation of the DCMS Digital Lifeline Fund programme

    This evaluation report shares insights from the Digital Lifeline Fund programme, which supported 5,500 digitally excluded people with learning disabilities to access devices, data and digital support.

  • 04/01/2022

    An evaluation of the Making It Click programme, funded by

    Making It Click was a programme targeting those who have made the move online but only use the internet in limited due to low digital skills. As a result, over 25,000 people were supported to learn new digital skills and 27% entered employment.

  • 08/09/2021

    Digital inclusion roadmap for combined authorities

    Our roadmap argues that it’s possible for regional leaders to shift the dial on digital inequality - and provides practical ideas for those charged with developing digital inclusion strategies.

  • 12/12/2020

    Everyone Connected

    A report of the key findings from the Everyone Connected project, which gets devices, data and skills to digitally excluded households.

  • 22/09/2020

    Blueprint to fix the digital divide: government action for recovery

    As we emerged from the pandemic, we urged the Government to prioritise digital inclusion so that everyone could access affordable internet & local digital skills support.

  • 18/09/2020

    Our pilot and implementation review of Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service’s Digital Support Service

    We were commissioned by Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service to co-design and pilot face-to-face digital support, redesigning the way courts and tribunals services are provided amid a £1bn reform.

  • 07/07/2020

    Enhancing the health & wellbeing of people with dementia through digital

    This report explores how basic digital skills and community-based support can improve the health and wellbeing of people with dementia and their carers or families.

  • 11/06/2020

    Digital Health Hubs evaluation for the NHS Widening Digital Participation Programme

    An evaluation report of our Digital Health Hubs, run as part of the NHS Widening Digital Participation Programme

  • 10/06/2020

    DevicesDotNow impact reports

    During the DevicesDotNow campaign, we released three impact reports in May, June and July 2020, charting the progress of the campaign.

  • 17/03/2020

    Supporting digital inclusion for adults with low English language skills

    We set out to learn from existing research and from the expertise of community-based tutors to test insights and co-produce ideas on supporting adults with low English language skills to use digital.

  • 11/06/2019

    Improving financial capability for low-income households through digital skills

    This report summarises research exploring challenges for support to improve digital skills for low-income households in financial difficulties, and initial recommendations on how to overcome these.

  • 19/07/2018

    What can we learn from our local digital inclusion centres?

    This report shows our findings after asking 57 centres about the issues facing them, to help us better shape our strategy to respond to the needs of our centres.

  • 20/03/2018

    Approaches to supporting people in later life online

    Explore our report with the Centre for Ageing Better on supporting older adults online, uncovering the reasons behind their digital behaviour and new support strategies.

  • 20/01/2017

    Reboot UK final evaluation report: enhancing health & wellbeing digitally

    Read the final report for Reboot UK, a landmark project supporting the most vulnerable in society to improve their health and wellbeing through digital.