News, thoughts & stories

The latest news, thoughts and stories from the experts on all things digital inclusion, technology for social good, community delivery and learning, and so much more!

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  • UK plc to receive almost £10 for every £1 invested in digital inclusion

    13/07/2022 · News

    UK plc to receive almost £10 for every £1 invested in digital inclusion

    Today we are calling for significant investment in digital inclusion to drive economic prosperity in the UK.

  • 11/07/2022 · News

    Growing the evidence base for digital inclusion

    Our Director of Evidence and Engagement, Dr. Emma Stone, has put together her unusual summer holiday reading recommendations (and more). Interested in digital inequality? Read on...

  • London Digital Inclusion Service pilot is launched

    23/06/2022 · News

    London Digital Inclusion Service pilot is launched

    Good Things Foundation, the London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) and the Greater London Authority are working together to deliver London's first ever Digital Inclusion Service.

  • Not all customers are created equal: why cheaper internet isn’t always a choice

    22/06/2022 · Our thoughts

    Not all customers are created equal: why cheaper internet isn’t always a choice

    Kat Dixon is a research fellow with the Data Poverty Lab. Over three months, she’s investigating community-led initiatives which enable good access to the internet for people experiencing data poverty. These blog posts track her journey and thinking.

  • 20/06/2022 · News

    Where you’ll find us at Digital Leaders Week

    Digital Leaders Week starts today and there are hundreds of free online events to attend - or watch back later at your leisure. Dr. Emma Stone takes you through where you'll find Good Things across the week

  • Building digital skills for employability

    16/06/2022 · News

    Building digital skills for employability

    This Employability Day, Good Things Foundation is releasing a new playbook ‘Supporting people with Digital Skills’.

  • The Digital Strategy: welcome, but a missed opportunity

    13/06/2022 · Our thoughts

    The Digital Strategy: welcome, but a missed opportunity

  • Our statement regarding the new UK Digital Strategy

    13/06/2022 · News

    Our statement regarding the new UK Digital Strategy

  • Why you should become a Digital Champion

    07/06/2022 · Our thoughts

    Why you should become a Digital Champion

    Our Volunteers Manager, Hilary Nugent, blogs about the value of Digital Champions and why technical knowledge may not be the most important skill that they need.

  • Samuel and Sheona on becoming Digital Champions

    01/06/2022 · Our stories

    Samuel and Sheona on becoming Digital Champions

    Digital Champions Samuel and Sheona tell us what the role is like and what they enjoy about it.

  • Connecting Women – The legacy of Rosemary Crawley

    20/05/2022 · Our thoughts

    Connecting Women – The legacy of Rosemary Crawley

    Hear how Good Things Foundation’s former Group Finance and Human Resources Director, Margaret Bennett, honoured her friend by helping female asylum seekers and refugees access data and support.

  • Digital exclusion has changed – Government action is needed to tackle it for good

    10/05/2022 · Our thoughts

    Digital exclusion has changed – Government action is needed to tackle it for good

    In this guest blog, Josh Abey sets out The Fabian Society's recommendations to fix the digital divide following their new research.