News, thoughts & stories

The latest news, thoughts and stories from the experts on all things digital inclusion, technology for social good, community delivery and learning, and so much more!

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  • Closing the Digital Divide: we’re looking for NGOs in Europe to test our model – are you interested?

    13/05/2021 · Our thoughts

    Closing the Digital Divide: we’re looking for NGOs in Europe to test our model – are you interested?

    Our Director of Digital Social Inclusion explores how our model of digital inclusion through a network of community organisations could be applied to other countries and regions.

  • Capita and Good Things Foundation team up to tackle digital divide

    10/05/2021 · News

    Capita and Good Things Foundation team up to tackle digital divide

    New partnership will help regional leaders across England tackle the digital divide in their communities. 

  • Over 25? A re-introduction to Job Seeking and Adult Education in 2021

    05/05/2021 · Our thoughts

    Over 25? A re-introduction to Job Seeking and Adult Education in 2021

    Interested in adult education? Our Digital Social Inclusion Officer, Matt Moxon takes a look at job seeking and adult education in this extensive piece.

  • How do we prevent a ‘loneliness pandemic’?

    04/05/2021 · Our thoughts

    How do we prevent a ‘loneliness pandemic’?

    Our Group CEO, Helen Milner, looks at the important role digital inclusion can play in reducing loneliness

  • Gordon Brown is right

    28/04/2021 · Our thoughts

    Gordon Brown is right

    Our Group CEO, Helen Milner, welcomes the call for a national plan to fix the digital divide from former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

  • Getting work-ready in a digital world

    26/04/2021 · Our stories

    Getting work-ready in a digital world

    Margaret’s newly-found digital skills gives her the confidence to take the next steps towards making her ambitions a reality.

  • Partnering to bring an end to Data Poverty

    21/04/2021 · News

    Partnering to bring an end to Data Poverty

    A new Data Poverty Lab - supported by Nominet - will bring together people, groups and ideas from across the UK, to help end data poverty by 2024.

  • Let’s end data poverty together

    21/04/2021 · Our thoughts

    Let’s end data poverty together

    Our Group CEO Helen Milner and Nominet’s Head of Public Benefit, Chris Ashworth, reflect on what the Data Poverty Lab will mean for digital inclusion.

  • Response and Resilience Fund award: Walthew House

    21/04/2021 · Our stories

    Response and Resilience Fund award: Walthew House

    A Good Things Foundation fund set up to provide short-term financial support to centres struggling in the wake of the pandemic has helped one centre to adapt and continue to deliver vital services.

  • The Challenges of Being Woman: 2020

    21/04/2021 · Our stories

    The Challenges of Being Woman: 2020

    Fareeha Usman, founder of Being Woman, reflects on how the organisation dealt with such an extraordinary and unexpected year.

  • Digital confidence for a new future

    06/04/2021 · Our stories

    Digital confidence for a new future

    Akira’s digital confidence has come on leaps and bounds following tailored tuition from Community Renewal Trust.

  • Two women talking in front of a stripy background

    06/04/2021 · Our stories

    Connecting grassroots groups to create impact

    Read how Prospects Community Housing set up a Slack channel to ensure effective communications between organisations continued throughout the pandemic and facilitated vital networking and support.